Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra Set
Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra Set
Each knot, made of 100% natural hemp and weaved around these Agate stones, are tied with intention. By repeating the Buddhist Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, my aim is to infuse this piece with a token of love and healing for the wearer. May it be yours, if the stone(s) and mantra below resonate within you.
Om Mani Padme Hum
The journey to a purified Body, Speech, Mind. Om is believed to be the primordial sound of all creation. Om helps us dissolve our ego, cleanse away pride, and cultivate kindness and generosity.
Meaning Jewel, signifies the wishes of sentient beings to become enlightened, compassionate, and loving:
Ma- to detach from jealousy, cultivating more ethical behaviors.
Ni- to detach from desire, cultivating patience with ourselves and others.
Lotus flower, representing wisdom:
Pad - dissolves our attachments to the many prejudices and judgmental notions, cultivating the quality of perseverance.
Me- dissolve our attachments to being possessive, cultivating our powers of concentration.
We work to dissolve our attachments to aggression and hatred and, in turn, cultivate our own, innate wisdom that is both unshakeable and unmovable.