Virtual Class Options via Zoom

Click for info on studio classes or private options

For accessibility to Yoga, all classes are PAY WHAT YOU CAN

See how to pay for classes below class offerings

All classes will feel even better with some props! You’ll notice I never practice without two blocks nearby.

Check out this short YouTube video to understand what may help you feel more comfortable to get deeper access within the body, or what to substitute that you may already have lying around your space:


Restore + Renew

Connect with your breath to release habitual tension that no longer serves you.

Step onto your mat, gear up for the week ahead. This restorative class will help release the things that are bringing you down to create a sacred space to let go of these old patterns. When we find ease physically, we can become more peaceful and present in our lives.

Offered Sundays from 7:15-8:30 PM EDT


Move through Awareness

Build heat and begin to find more strength as you move through a carefully crafted + continuous flow!

Ignite your morning with a practice that strengthens and opens you up through a total-body sequence. This Vinyasa practice will also provide the mental benefits of a breath-based approach, linking each transition with the awareness of your breath.

Wednesdays from 9:00-10:00AM EDT

Thursdays 7:00-8:00PM EDT

Offered Fridays from 9:00-10:00AM EDT


Sweet Slumber

Calm with your breath to release habitual tension that no longer serves you.

Step onto your mat, and prepare yourself for rest. This restorative practice before bedtime is a terrific way to aid in releasing anything you’re holding onto mentally or physically before sinking into a peaceful night of deep sleep.

Offered Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00PM EDT

For my night owls + West(+ish) Coast friends offered

  • Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30PM EDT

  • Sundays from 9:00-10:00PM EDT


Chair Yoga

Feel a sense of ease and relaxation.

Perform yoga poses while seated or using a chair for balance with the same benefits as traditional yoga, like boosting strength, flexibility, and mental well-being. Using your chair for seated poses or balancing poses, you can take advantage of the many benefits yoga provides, such as increased circulation; feelings of well-being; and decreases in blood pressure, anxiety, inflammation, and chronic pain. Despite any limitations you may have, chair yoga can aid in helping you feel stronger, less stiff, and more mobility!

Offered Thursdays from 9:00-10:00 AM EDT


Absolute Beginner Class

Welcome to the mat!

This non-formal, informative, and accessible vinyasa style class is designed for beginners who want to build a practice and have questions about how to yoga. You’ll learn how to set yourself up for success with clear tutorials on common poses and the anatomy behind them, along with tips on how to approach your future classes. Each class in the series will build upon the next class preparing you to recognize and get into a posture comfortably in your own body. This class is capped at 5 humans for a more intimate learning environment. IF there is a need, I will create another time slot. If the class is full, get on the waitlist by simply filling out the form below.

Offered Saturdays 8:00-9:00 AM EST


To pay your instructor, you may send payment via:


Get In Touch

Don’t see what you’re interested in? Want to see a specific class/workshop offered? I would love to connect with you— Inquire here!

Go from a human doing yoga to a human being yoga.
— Baron Baptise